Statistics [06]: Order Statistics
Two simple examples of order statistics.
Example 1
Suppose are independent homogeneous distribution, which have density function
and distribution function
. Now order the
variables in the following way
What would the distribution of be like?
Assume the probability of lying in
Letting , we have
Example 2
Now suppose are
samples from
are ordered statistical quantities. For any
, denoting
Then is called the empirical distribution function of
. Further introducing step function
, then the above equation can be written as
## Table of Contents
- Probability vs Statistics
- Shakespear’s New Poem
- Some Common Discrete Distributions
- Some Common Continuous Distributions
- Statistical Quantities
- Order Statistics
- Multivariate Normal Distributions
- Conditional Distributions and Expectation
- Problem Set [01] - Probabilities
- Parameter Point Estimation
- Evaluation of Point Estimation
- Parameter Interval Estimation
- Problem Set [02] - Parameter Estimation
- Parameter Hypothesis Test
- t Test
- Chi-Squared Test
- Analysis of Variance
- Summary of Statistical Tests
- Python [01] - Data Representation
- Python [02] - t Test & F Test
- Python [03] - Chi-Squared Test
- Experimental Design
- Monte Carlo
- Variance Reducing Techniques
- From Uniform to General Distributions
- Problem Set [03] - Monte Carlo
- Unitary Regression Model
- Multiple Regression Model
- Factor and Principle Component Analysis
- Clustering Analysis
- Summary