Statistics [07]: Multivariate Normal Distributions

1 minute read


Bivariate and multivariate normal distributions.

Bivariate Distributions

The two variables in a bivariate normal are both are normally distributed, and they have a normal distribution when both are added together. Visually, the bivariate normal distribution is a three-dimensional bell curve.

A bivariate normal distribution can be expressed as

where is the correlation coefficient between and . And the probability density function is


The above equation can be reformulated as


A bivariate normal distribution satisfies , assume and , find .



Hence, and are independent and


Multivariate Normal Distributions

A multivariate nromal distribution can be expressed as


The probability density function would be

The sufficient and necessary condition that are mutually independent is that every two of are unrelated.

Linear Transformation of Normal Distribution

Property 1

Assume -dimensional random vector , is a -dimensional invertible matrix, . Then


Property 2

Assume -dimensional random vector , is a -dimensional matrix, , . Then


Property 3

Assume are independent, , , , where are not all zeros. Then


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