Statistics [09]: Parameter Point Estimation

1 minute read


Assume are samples from a population, point estimation refers to constructing certain statistical quantities that can be used to estimate the distribution of the population. The method is not unique, the most commonly used methods are the method of moments and the method of maximum likelihood.

Method of Moments

The basic idea is to equate sample moments with theoretical moments, where the moments can be raw moments or central moments or variance.

Example 1

Assume are samples from uniform distribution , estimate using the method of moments.

Solution 1.

Solution 2.

Example 2

Assume are samples from binomial distribution , estimate using the method of moments.

Solution 1.

Solution 2.

Method of Maximum Likelihood

The abasic idea of maximum likelihood is to estimate the unknown parameters that would maximize the probability of getting the data we have observed.

Assume we have a random sample , each with a probability function . Then, the likelihood function can be expressed as

If satisfies , then is called maximum likelihood estimation (MLE).

In practice, we often use the log form of the likelihood function, then it becomes

Example 3

Assume are samples from exponential distribution , find .



Example 4

Assume are samples from Poisson distribution , find .



Example 5

Assume are samples from normal distribution , find .



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