Statistics [11]: Parameter Interval Estimation

3 minute read


Point estimation refers to constructing certain statistical quantities using a point, and interval estimation is to estimate the unknown parameters using an interval.


Assume are samples from , is an unknown parameter. is a random interval, which is determined by the samples. Interval estimation of with a confidence level refres to


is a two-sided confidence interval; and are one-sided confidence intervals.

Pivot Method

  1. Construct a pivot, , which is determined by samples and the unknown parameters completely and the distribution of doesn’t rely on the unknown parameters.
  2. Choose two constants , for the given , there is
  3. Solve , yielding .

Example 1

Assume are samples from normal distribution , is known and is unknown, find the confidence interval of with confidence level .

Solution. Firstly, the point estimation of is , the pivot can be chosen as


Next, determine and that minimize the length of the confidence interval.

Assume the distribution function of the pivot is and the probability density function is , the problem becomes an optimization problem with constraint .

To solve this optimization problem, we can use the method of Lagrange multipliers, let the Lagrange multiplier be , then

Differentiate with respect to and respectively, yielding

Solving these equations, we have and . Hence,


Therefore, and are the qunatile and quantile of the standard normal distribution respectively.

Lower and Upper Quantiles

Assume is a continuous random variable, if , then is called the lower quantile.

  • quantile of standard normal distribution:

  • quantile of with degree of freedom:

  • quantile of distribution with degree of freedom:

  • quantile of distribution with degree of freedom:

Assume is a continuous random variable, if , then is called the upper quantile.

Example 2

Assume , is unknown, find the confidence interval of .

Solution. Firstly, we have and , hence


Using the lookup table, we have

Example 3

Assume , and are unknown, find the confidence interval of .

SOlution. Firstly, we have

which can be chosen as the pivot. Then,


Example 4

Assume are samples from , find the confidence interval of .

Solution. Firstly, we can proof that

Let the random variable has the distribution with degrees of freedom with probability density function

and random variable have the exponential distribution with mean with probability density function

For ,

For ,

Thus, for .

With this relation, we have


Large Sample Interval Estimation

When the samples are large enough, the confidence interval can be constructed using asymptotic distribution.

Example 5

Assume are samples from , find the confidence interval of .

Solution. The expectation and variance of the samples are respectively

According to the central-limit theorem, when is large enough, there exists asymptotic distribution

which can be standardized to get the pivot


Solve this inequality, we have

where , when is large, is very small, therefore, the confidence level of can be estimated as

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