Statistics [13]: t Test - Comparing Two Samples

1 minute read


test is usually used in comparing two groups of samples, including two independent samples and paired sampels.

Comparing Two Independent Samples

Assume is drawn from a normal distribution and that an independent sample is drawn from a normal distribution , compare the two samples.

For the general case Assume and , the problem remains unsolved. Thus, we further assume that . In this case,

If is known, a confidence level for can be based on

which follows a standard distribution. The caonfidence level would be

Generally, is not known and must estimated from the data by

and it can be seen that


The statistic

follows a distribution with degrees of freedom.

Therefore, the confidence level would be

Comparing Paired Samples

Assume that the differences are a sample from a normal distribution with

Generally, is unknown, and inferences will be based on

which follows a distribution with degrees of freedom. The confidence level would be

If the sample size n is large, the approximate validity of the confidence interval and hypothesis test follows from the central limit theorem. If the sample size is small and the true distribution of the differences is far from normal, the stated probability levels may be considerably in error.

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