C++ Basics [05]: Inline and Constexpr Functions

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Defining a function makes the code easier to read and understand. However, one potential drawback to make a function is that calling a function is apt to be slower than evaluating the equivalent expressions.

On most machines, a function call does a lot of work:

  • Registers are saved before the call and restored after the return;
  • Arguments may be copied;
  • The program branches to a new location.

inline and constexpr functions are introduced to boost the efficiency of the programs.

inline Functions

As the name suggested, a function specified as inline is expanded “in line” at each call. We can define an inline function by putting the keyword inline before the function’s return type. Here is an example, when cout << Sum(3, 4) << endl; is excuted, it (probably) would be expanded during compilation into something like cout << 3 + 4 << endl;.

int Sum(const int& a, const int& b) {
    return a + b;
int main(){
    cout << Sum(3, 4) << endl;

It is to be noted that the inline mechanism is meant to optimize small, straight-line functions that are called frequently. The compiler may choose to ignore this request.

constexpr Functions

A constexpr function can be defined by putting the keyword constexpr before the function’s return type. When a constexpr function is defined, the compiler will replace a call to it with its resulting value, which will boost efficiency. However, it has some restrictions:

  • The return type and the type of each parameter in a must be a literal type;
  • The function body must contain exactly one return statement.

It is to be noted that a constexpr function is not required to return a constant expression. If we call a constexpr function with an expression that is not a constant expression, then the return is not a constant expression. Here I modified the above example a bit, we would see that although Sum(a, b) can be excuted, int arr2[Sum(a, b)]; would issue an error, as the result of Sum(a, b) would be a non-const expression, which would not be accepted by int arr2[].

constexpr int Sum(const int& a, const int& b) {
    return a + b;
int main(){
    int a = 3, b = 4;
    cout << Sum(3, 4) << endl;  // 7
    cout << Sum(a, b) << endl;  // 7
    int arr1[Sum(3, 4)];        // ok
    int arr2[Sum(a, b)];        // error

To eliminate the error, we can use dynamic array, which will be summarized later, here is a simple example.

int main(){
    int a = 3, b = 4;
    int* arr2 = new int[Sum(a, b)]; 
    delete[] arr2;
    arr2 = nullptr;

constexpr Expressions

A constant expression is an expression whose value cannot change and that can be evaluated at compile time. A literal is a constant expression. A const object that is initialized from a constant expression is also a constant expression.

Whether a given object (or expression) is a constant expression depends on the types and the initializers.

const int max_files = 20;           // max_files is a constant expression
const int limit = max_files + 1;    // limit is a constant expression
int staff_size = 27;                // staff_size is not a constant expression
const int sz = get_size();          // sz is not a constant expression

It is important to understand that when we define a pointer in a constexpr declaration, the constexpr specifier applies to the pointer, not the type to which the pointer points:

const int *p = nullptr;         // p is a pointer to a const int
constexpr int *q = nullptr;     // q is a const pointer to int

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